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那些你不知道的中东民族风The Middle East nation sty

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-08-31  作者:shunzi  浏览次数:503
核心提示:民族元素的运用在2021 春夏时装秀上出现得尤其频繁,多个品牌对一种风格的诠释使世界民族的每一个分支都显得突出而鲜明,我们很

民族元素的运用在2021 春夏时装秀上出现得尤其频繁,多个品牌对一种风格的诠释使世界民族的每一个分支都显得突出而鲜明,我们很难忽视这股强劲的民族风。
Use of ethnic elements in the 2021 spring and summer fashion show appearance was particularly frequent multiple brands interpretation of a style so that each branch of the worlds peoples have become prominent and distinctive , it is difficult to ignore this strong national wind .
1. 奔放的非洲原住民
非洲大陆的干燥植物、狂野动物、部落音乐、神秘图腾被循环演绎在一季又一季T 台上。
1 An African indigenous unrestrained
Drying plants continent, wild animals, tribal music, mysterious totem is interpreted in quarter after quarter cycle T stage.

2 来自地中海的落寞贵族
2 lonely aristocrat from the Mediterranean
Luxurious bronzing , gold and silver coins, baroque prints and three-dimensional decoration , simple Sicilian muffled , all expressing the fashion industry for the Mediterranean birthplace of European civilization love this shadow mixed Roman and ancient Greek culture, there is no sense of violation and appeared in the show floor .

3. 华丽的东欧花卉刺绣
3 ornate floral embroidery in Eastern Europe
Whether look at fashion magazines , or into your favorite boutiques, often can be found in Russia and Eastern Europe, featuring costumes : Russia Palestinian headscarf Bush cards , delicate floral embroidery and three-dimensional style of Anna Karenina ? long black coat . In the design of Eastern Europe continue to break barriers to the integration of Western elements , while Slavs style is also deeply affect the entire design community .

4. 随遇而安的波西米亚人
4 adaptable bohemian
Casual and loose knee-length skirt and large ubiquitous bohemian tassel is the key now is not only a symbol of bohemian fringed , wrinkles, big skirt of fashion , but also become a free and easy, passionate unrestrained synonymous.

5. 来自美洲的印第安野性
5 Indian style from the Americas
Indian has a very distinctive shape characteristics , such as wearing feathers and draped body , neck hanging decorative marine organisms or animal bone necklace and waist grass skirt。

(内容来源:精品网 Source: SG兰亭名家网 )








Oriental group- Buttons, zippers, embroideries, hot-fix stones and sewing threads.


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