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抄写陆洪恩简历 徐唯辛

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-10-06  作者:shunzi  浏览次数:458



当年与陆洪恩同狱关押的刘文忠先生2005年在澳门出版了《风雨人生路》一书,书中披露了这位音乐家在狱中遭受的非人待遇和酷刑,写出了他热爱生活和音乐的儒雅形象。最震撼的是通过回忆,复现了他面对死亡在审讯者面前的慷慨陈词。音乐家陆洪恩说,“我想活,但不愿这样行尸走肉般的活下去。‘不自由,毋宁死’。文革是暴虐,是浩劫,是灾难。我不愿在暴虐、浩劫、灾难下苟且贪生。” “……文革消灭了真诚、友谊、爱情、幸福、宁静、平安、希望。文革比秦始皇焚书坑儒有过之而无不及。……”(《风雨人生路》P136-137)据说,陆洪恩带着手铐脚镣押出囚室赴刑场时镇静自若,嘴里哼着《庄严弥撒》。(据WANGYUQING文)

Lu Hong’en (1919-1968)

Lu was born in 1919 and graduated from the Shanghai National Conservatory of Music in 1943. He joined Shanghai Symphony Orchestra as a timpanist in 1950 and was later appointed Deputy Director and Associate Conductor in 1954 by Chen Yi, the then Mayor of Shanghai. Lu had a psychiatric history and was once admitted to a psychiatric hospital. When he was made to commit to a complete divorce from the Revisionism in a learning and criticism meeting in May,1966, Lu was badly beaten due to his blunt disagreement to the statement of “except the model operas, all the literature and art works created after the establishment of the PRC are a Revisionist poison.” Lu was sent to the Shanghai First Detention Center for his anti-revolutionary criminal activity as prisoner No 1598 shortly after shouting “I am a Revisionist as you wish so” and “Long Live the Revisionism” during the meeting. On April 27, 1968, he was executed on charges of anti-revolutionary. Under the headline “City Seeks to Crack Down Anti-Revolutionists in a Public Trial”, Shanghai’s Liberation Daily reported the verdict on the same day, while the Shanghai TV station broadcasted it live.

In 2005, Liu Wenzhong, Lu’s inmate, published “My Stormy Life” in Macau. The book revealed the musician received inhumane treatment and cruel torture in jail, and portrayed him as a gentleman with passion for life and music. The most shocking unveiling was the fervor statement Lu made during the trial. Facing death penalty, Lu stated, “I want to live but not like a zombie. ‘Give me liberty, or give me death!’. The Cultural Revolution is violent, disastrous and catastrophic. I would not live on without purpose.” “… the Cultural Revolution has eradicated sincerity, friendship, love, happiness, tranquility, peace and hope. The Cultural Revolution is way crueler than the notorious burning of books and burying of scholars by the First Emperor …” According to the book, it was said that Lu walked collectedly and hummed “Missa Solemnis” when he was escorted out from the cell to the execution ground on handcuffs and leg chains.(英文翻译黄逸玫)

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